Layout of interior spaces:
VIP Lounge Extra Schengen, and
CIP Lounge Intra Schengen
at the New International Airport of Athens, Eleftherios Venizelos of Olympic Airways.
The respective floor areas are:
Extra Schengen appr. 500 sq.m.
Intra Schengen appr. 700 sq.m.
The project was awarded following a restricted tender conducted by Olympic Airways.
The detailed description of the layout of areas includes: a reception area, bar, kitchen, waiting rooms, relaxation area, sanitary areas, visitor Internet area and ancillary installations, such as staff offices, kitchen and storage.
The areas were laid out freely in space, with a central partition in a curved form. The overall space is separated in an imaginary way into two levels: the lowest level, intended to the movement of persons, is characterized by wooden linings and structures, while in the upper level (roof), all mechanical installations may be observed through the transparent suspended ceiling, thus allowing the sensation of the airport magnitude and complexity.