Pavlides Associates has been involved with the project since 1976 and was responsible for the overall design and supervision of construction works executed.
The production operation of the industrial unit concerns the crushing out of Soya, cotton and other seeds, the refinement of seed-oils, the production of margarine, the bottling of various oil products, the trading of cereals etc.
The layout of the buildings was based right from the start on the criterion of continuous growth of activities, thus the extensions to the complex, dating back to two decades, are well integrated.
Pavlides Associates SA, has designed and supervised the construction of 36 large and 12 small grain silos, 4 major seed storage warehouses, the refinery, the hydrogenation plant, bottling and storage buildings, chemical laboratories and administration buildings. Most buildings have a steel structure and have a bored piles foundation due to the poor soil conditions by the sea. The plant provisioning is guaranteed by 300metres long a belt-conveyor on the shore.